Get Ready to be Surprised by our Preschool Students!
TweetI have always enjoyed being with my preschool students as their creativity keeps surprising me. Picasso has once said, “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up”: It will be a real pity if we mold our little artists into the same clone. That is why, as a teacher, I always reserve some rooms for my preschool students to bring their imagination and creativity in full play.
Today, we are working on the topic “Twins”, and my students have to create their own pair of twins and write a story about them. One of my students has again surprised me with her creativity – she has integrated characters from the Cinderella and the Little Mermaid in the story, plus some funny details like their family actually lives on the cloud and keeps the mermaid as their pet. We have enjoyed our time so much when we are trying to figure out the plot together!