i‑Learner Education Centre

Steps to Success » How We Communicate

The Impact of Technology on the English Language

The advancement in technology has facilitated truly global communication, connecting people from different linguistic backgrounds all over the world. English has become the lingua franca of the internet and various digital platforms, causing both positive and negative effects on the language itself. The changes brought about via technological development can be broadly categorised into three groups; vocabulary expansion, language adaptation and new modes of communication.

Vocabulary Expansion

Technology has introduced new words and phrases into the English language. Terms such as “internet,” “smartphone,” “emoji,” and “selfie” are now commonplace. Additionally, with the rise of texting, instant messaging and social media, abbreviations and acronyms like “LOL” (laugh out loud) and “OMG” (oh my god) have become part of everyday communication. On the other hand, this has led to a blurring of formal and informal language boundaries, impacting both written and spoken communication.

Language Adaptation

Technology has prompted the adaptation of English words and phrases into different languages. As technology-related terms have spread globally, they are often incorporated into other languages with varying degrees of alteration. For example, the term “selfie” has been adopted in numerous languages, usually with a phonetic adaptation to fit the sounds of the target language.

New Modes of Communication

Technology has introduced new forms of communication, such as emails, blogs, social media, and video conferencing. Generation Z, for example, are colloquially referred to as Zoomers due to the way the communication technology company Zoom dominated their youth during the pandemic. Each medium has its own unique language styles and conventions, influencing how people express themselves and communicate effectively in different digital contexts. 

In conclusion, rather than weighing the positive and negative effects of technology, it poses an opportunity for us to reflect how a language adapts to meet the needs of its users in a rapidly evolving digital world.