When I was studying Literature in English in secondary school, I came across a really creative poem that still lingers in my mind. Do you think you can try to decipher this poem? l(a le af fa ll s) one l iness — E. E. Cummings Poems can be as creative as above! When you write a poem next time, instead of pulling… Read More
Speaking is supposed to be a wonderful joy as it is a means for us to share lives with one another. Basically, speaking is a natural instinct. We speak to share our emotions and experiences. However, why is speaking almost a torture to some of us? I was not born to be a chatty person. I learnt to utter “mom” and “dad” only… Read More
With a fortune to be brought up in a very caring and loving secondary school, I have received a lot of little cards that are filled with encouraging and comforting words from my teachers, and those are what I treasure very much. The words shed light on me when I felt like it was the end of the world, especially when I was preparing for… Read More
There are so many amazing stories that have happened to a lot of people. That is why we need autobiographies to record them, so as to keep them shared among us. Thanks to the existence of autobiographies, I can read Gandhi’s story – one of the most inspiring personal stories I have come across. While Gandhi is often portrayed as a hero in media, My… Read More
Death is often considered to be a taboo subject in our culture. I still remember how evasive my parents used to be when I asked them questions about death. Embarrassed, they would simply divert my attention to something else. Among ourselves, we often use ambiguous words to express that someone has died, like “he or she is gone”. Death is simply not a welcoming discussion… Read More