Applying to UK Schools from Overseas: The Student Perspective

Applying to UK Schools from Overseas: The Student Perspective

Applying to UK Schools from Overseas: The Student Perspective

Rory Alexander is an i-Learner teacher who’s got plenty of experience of applying to schools overseas. He had moved country with his family six times by the age of thirteen, so when he came back to the UK from Australia, he was well-attuned to the process of school application. He’s shared his experience with us of a successful application to Sevenoaks, one of the top ten independent schools in the UK. Read More

What are the Differences Between Independent, Grammar and State Schools?

What are the Differences Between Independent, Grammar and State Schools?

What are the Differences Between Independent, Grammar and State Schools?

In the UK, there are three main categories of school: independent, grammar and state. However, you’ll see lots of other names being used besides these three, and it can be difficult to figure out what they all mean. This article demystifies the differences between UK schools, giving you key information and an inside look at each. i-Learner Overseas Education Services places Hong Kong students… Read More