

In addition to the news below, we publish a newsletter once a term. Take a look at it over at the Our Newsletter page

Oxbridge Virtual Experience

Oxbridge Virtual Experience

Oxbridge Virtual Experience

From classic literature to Covid vaccines, study a range of engaging topics and learn how to thrive in the Oxbridge tutorial system. This Christmas, join i-Learner’s Oxbridge Virtual Experience, studying with Oxford and Cambridge graduates based in the UK. They’ll give you a taste of life at a top university and help you along your own path there. Sign up before October 31st for a… Read More

Summer Courses 2024

Summer Courses 2024

Summer Courses 2024

Spread your wings this summer with i-Learner to reach greater heights! Our summer activities will take students on an adventurous learning journey to reach their potential.   Have a look through our summer brochures below:   Once Upon A Time…Kindergarten English and Chinese Summer Courses, 2024   Once Upon a Time_Kindergarten Programme_Summer 2024 Once… Read More

Summer Term 2020 Newsletter

Summer Term 2020 Newsletter

Summer Term 2020 Newsletter

This term’s theme is online learning! In this summer edition, there are plenty of tips on this, as well as research challenges, video-making and Prezi-creating tutorials, and lots of fun and games. Don’t forget to enter the contest on page 10 for a chance to win some of i-Learner’s new publications. Read it here. Read More

i-Learner’s Virtual Book Fair

i-Learner’s Virtual Book Fair

i-Learner’s Virtual Book Fair

This year, we’ve taken our Book Fair stall online. Take a peek at our full range of English and Chinese books, including fiction, non-fiction, workbooks and textbooks. From new readers to those studying for the HKDSE, we’ve got great books to keep you learning. Get in the Book Fair spirit with some readings from our popular Bugbug’s Library. Read More

Austen Term 2020 Newsletter

Austen Term 2020 Newsletter

Austen Term 2020 Newsletter

Out Now: This term’s theme is creative learning! Get creative with crafts, science, maths and more. Discover great language tips and find your own techniques for becoming better learners. Play games, get book recommendations and more! Laugh along with the winning limericks from last term’s newsletter. Read More