Steps to Success » Lifelong Learning

Lifelong Learning

Learning More Languages

Learning More Languages

Learning More Languages

If you’re reading this, you, like many i-Learner students, are probably very good at English. So with all your extra activities, there’s no need to learn other languages, right? Wrong! Studies show that learning additional languages not only improves your memory and critical thinking, enhances your decision-making ability, and boosts your empathy, it also helps you become more successful in our globalised society. As a… Read More

The Wider Benefits of Hobbies

The Wider Benefits of Hobbies

The Wider Benefits of Hobbies

With a demanding school or work schedule, it’s easy to fall into the habit of only doing things you have to. However, developing other interests helps you understand yourself and your values better. This can be important when making good decisions about your future, such as what subjects to study or what job suits you best. Often, people stick to their comfort zones, even when… Read More

Learning English Through Netflix

Learning English Through Netflix

Learning English Through Netflix

Learning English can be a tough task for second-language speakers. However, what if I told you there was a fun and easy way to do it? What if, in fact, you could improve your English by watching Netflix and other streaming platforms? Copious research shows that watching movies and TV shows helps people learn languages. Most research participants find that watching English media improves their… Read More