
Magic Phonics

Magic Phonics

Magic Phonics

Our pre-school courses nurture a child’s inborn curiosity and excitement in learning. Children gradually develop their abilities and skills in phonics, speaking and reading, alongside a blooming creativity and imagination. Introduction Kindergarten, a word invented by famous German educator Froebel, means play and activities. Froebel believed in the unique needs of pre-school students. The importance of play and well-designed activities has been advocated by later… Read More

Phonics and Reading Aloud

Phonics and Reading Aloud

Phonics and Reading Aloud

Acquire phonics knowledge for excellent pronunciation, better reading and accurate spelling. With a wide range of dynamic games and activities that introduce the letters of the alphabet and their sounds, children will gradually develop their abilities and skills in phonics – especially blending and segmenting – which are useful for speaking, reading and spelling. This 12-lesson course is the perfect reading-skills boost for students… Read More