i‑Learner Education Centre

Pre-school English

Course Description

Our pre-school courses nurture a child’s inborn curiosity and excitement in learning. Children gradually develop their abilities and skills in speaking, reading and writing, alongside a blooming creativity and imagination.


Kindergarten, a word invented by famous German educator Froebel, means play and activities. Froebel believed in the unique needs of pre-school students. The importance of play and well-designed activities has been advocated by later educators like Jean Piaget and now i-Learner’s teachers.

Pre-school education at i-Learner focuses on the child’s cognitive development. Motor, social and psychological skill development is also encouraged through the carefully designed activities.

The curriculum builds heavily on games, phonics, storytelling, reading and writing. Our integrated approach aims at training children to be competent in language as well as to become curious, creative and imaginative learners.

Last but not least, we believe that kindergarten is a crucial period for a child’s personal development. Therefore, self, love, care and being a global citizen are the core values of our programme.

Course Details

The comprehensive lessons of our Pre-school English course develop your child’s reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. By exploring two books every lesson, your child will rapidly accumulate vocabulary and gain knowledge of key concepts in English.

This course is part of our Growing Giraffes programme, which pairs Pre-school English with Magic Phonics. Students taking one lesson from each course set out on the path to top schools and excellent English abilities.


Growing Giraffes and Wise Owls Leaflet

The curriculum includes three levels:

  • L1 – The Busy Bees
  • L2 – The Polite Penguins
  • L3 – The Clever Camels



The course materials fit Bernice’s level very well and I can see improvements after each lesson. Her reading skill has improved a lot. She is able to recognise a number of sight words which are provided in her notes. These sight words help her to read and write simple sentences, so she has found reading books more fun and interesting.

Reading aloud in class helps her to build her confidence through poems and stories. Also, the class has strengthened her phonics skills. She is now able to read by combining the letter sounds instead of by memorising words. The i-Learner teachers are patient and caring, and their lessons are fun!

Ms. Lai (Bernice Lai K2)

This content is only available in Chinese.

i-Learner Studio的教學模式是以我所見最為創新而有效的。
Aydan在這裡學習得很快樂,而且表現一直有進步,因此我很樂意推介其他家長也讓小朋友到i-Learner Studio學習呢!
Aydan Lau (K1)

This content is only available in Chinese.

Megan在i-Learner上了大半年的幼兒課程。 女兒她上每一節課都很投入,也很喜歡老師和她說故事。 看見女兒從早期未能認字、只懂用圖畫表達想法,到現在拼寫生字時開始懂得運用基本的拼音技巧,這一點點的進步,真的令我覺得很欣慰。真的很感謝i-Learner老師的用心教導!
Megan Chiu (K2)

This content is only available in Chinese.

我的兒子Angus在i-Learner上了一年幼兒課程。 每次下課後,他的臉上總是掛著愉快的笑容。Angus很喜歡上Ms Anna的課,他尤其喜歡playtime環節,Ms Anna會讓他充當小廚師,寓學習於遊戲之中。看見兒子每次下課後都會興高采烈地和我分享課堂內容, 我真的很放心繼續讓兒子在i-Learner學習。