Making Lessons Fun

Making Lessons Fun

Making Lessons Fun

When it comes to focusing on a task, we all have limits to our attention spans. It varies from person to person and task to task. Children tend to have naturally shorter attention spans, so when facilitating their learning, it’s important we make lessons engaging and challenging. If we succeed, the result is fun. Fun is a byproduct of an active mind. In this article,… Read More

Science and the Wider World

Science and the Wider World

Science and the Wider World

I studied engineering at university. During my time there, I gained many practical skills in my engineering mathematics courses and my tortuous thermodynamics modules. However, one of the most important skills I learnt was to look at and analyse the world critically with a scientific lense. There’s no escaping science and engineering in the real world. We’re all affected daily by news stories involving the… Read More