Steps to Success » How We Communicate

How We Communicate

The Impact of Technology on the English Language

The Impact of Technology on the English Language

The Impact of Technology on the English Language

The advancement in technology has facilitated truly global communication, connecting people from different linguistic backgrounds all over the world. English has become the lingua franca of the internet and various digital platforms, causing both positive and negative effects on the language itself. The changes brought about via technological development can be broadly categorised into three groups; vocabulary expansion, language… Read More

Sticks And Stones May Break Our Bones, But Formal English Can Never Hurt Us

Sticks And Stones May Break Our Bones, But Formal English Can Never Hurt Us

Sticks And Stones May Break Our Bones, But Formal English Can Never Hurt Us

We pull all kinds of faces and show all kinds of reluctance, on hearing the need to use formal English. Formality, rules, constraints, they are the enemy of a carefree life. These frequently boring appeals to formality are common but if you’ll allow me a question, how much do you know about informal English usage? Growing up in Hong Kong,… Read More

Creating Opportunities through Communication and Networking

Creating Opportunities through Communication and Networking

Creating Opportunities through Communication and Networking

During our school careers so much emphasis is placed on academic results and demonstrating our technical skills and subject knowledge under exam conditions. It is understandable that we tend to focus on these hard skills and performance metrics as the key to success in our careers and lives. However secondary school students can also start to think about building connections as an important foundation for… Read More

Kongish and English Learning

Kongish and English Learning

Kongish and English Learning

“I need to go to Mong Kok tomorrow but will people mountain, people sea. So hoi sum.” “You add oil la! It not big problem geh. The place always so many people. Just blow water with your fren while you wait.” Can you understand what these sentences mean? If you have lived in Hong Kong for a while, these… Read More