i‑Learner Education Centre


  1. Eletelephony by Laura Elizabeth Richards p2
  2. What is Pink? by Christina Rossetti p6
  3. The Cow by Robert Louis Stevenson p10
  4. I Had a Little Nut Tree Traditional p14
  5. Humpty Dumpty’s Song by Lewis Carroll p18
  6. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star by Jane Tayor p22
  7. Who Has Seen the Wind? by Christina Rossetti p24
  8. The Owl and the Pussy-Cat by Edward Lear p28
  9. My Shadow by Robert Louis Stevenson p32
  10. The Fieldmouse by Cecil Frances Alexander p36


by Laura Elizabeth Richards

What is Pink?

by Christina Rossetti

The Cow

by Robert Louis Stevenson

I Had a Little Nut Tree


Humpty Dumpty’s Song

by Lewis Carroll

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

by Jane Tayor

Who Has Seen the Wind?

by Christina Rossetti

The Owl and the Pussy-Cat

by Edward Lear

My Shadow

by Robert Louis Stevenson

The Fieldmouse

by Cecil Frances Alexander



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