i‑Learner Education Centre


Andy Chan

Andy Chan

Learning should be a fun and pain-free experience. A goal of teaching is to tap into the natural curiosity of students and turn learning into a discovery.

Andy Chan has a rich background in the biological sciences. As a native English speaker from the US, Andy has volunteered his spare time to teach English as a private tutor to local children. He incorporates his knowledge of the sciences into his teaching to enrich his lessons and foster his students’ natural curiosity. Andy continues to pursue his goal of becoming a Medical Laboratory Scientist, while also developing his career as a Biology and English teacher.


  • MS Medicine (Medical Science): Taipei Medical University
  • BS (Biology): University of California: San Diego


How can we encourage independence and self-reliance in children?

As an experienced educator who has worked with children of various ages, I have encountered students who, to varying degrees, require attention and assistance for even the simplest tasks. These students often exhibit a lack of belief in their own abilities, which can stem from a lack of experience or a fear of failure. While the desire to dote on our children is… Read More

Dealing with Difficult Responses from Children

As a tutor, one of the challenges I face is dealing with difficult responses from my students. It is frustrating at times when children become uncooperative or show unruly behaviors. From my own experience, as well as advice I have gathered from colleagues, the best course of action involves composure, active listening, clear communication, using positive reinforcement, and modeling good behavior. Composure The first… Read More