i‑Learner Education Centre

UK Study Tours

British Boarding School Study Programme

Strong communication skills are essential for success. Our two-week British Boarding School Study Programme offers a unique opportunity to boost your child’s English language abilities and personal development.

Through engaging drama activities and authentic language practice, students will gain confidence in speaking English and interacting with others. Living and learning in a British boarding school provides a total immersion experience that accelerates language learning.

Discover how this transformative programme can equip your child with the skills they need to excel academically and socially.

Location: British boarding school

Student age: Form 1-5

Dates: options in July and August

Duration: 2 weeks

How to Apply

1. Application Essay or Story

Choose one option:

(a) Choose your favourite essay or story that you have previously written.

(b) Write a new piece by taking part in the i-Learner Writing Contest 2024. Choose one question at your level and follow the guidelines to write your essay or story.

2. Application Form

Fill in the application form.

3. Submission

Submit both the essay or story and the application form here.

Note: if you would like to be considered for the i-Learner Writing Contest 2024 prizes and awards, you will need to submit your essay or story again following the guidelines shown here.

Deadline: 30th December

4. Next steps

The final places will be confirmed in early February. After your place has been confirmed, you will be invited to take part in the Critical Thinking Prep Camp (19th – 23rd April) to help you get ready for the tour. Participation in this camp is optional and will not affect your place on the tour.