i‑Learner Education Centre


Teacher Diaries : Ms. Rachel – Non-Fiction

Recalling my memory, non-fiction books are definitely not something I would pick from the bookshelf to read. Any funny stories or comics sounded much more interesting than them. However, I changed my mind when I was “forced” to finish this book – Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl in my English Literature lesson.

By looking at the book cover, you could already guess the girl is Anne Frank. To me, the picture seemed to be something old, historical and a bit creepy at first sight. However, I really enjoyed reading it once I started. It was quite different from what I had expected: scary, hateful and bloody. It was more about Anne’s observations of people around and the realistic life of people in hiding during the Second World War.

I would recommend this book to anyone who has an interest in reading historical, war or mystery books as it is so inspirational and engaging. The diary might not only enable you to have a glimpse on the war history, but also stimulate your thoughts on the struggle of a girl who wish to be understood, just like any other teenagers would have when they grow up.
