i‑Learner Education Centre


Teacher Diaries: Ms. Jackee – From Book to Book

From book to book: We’re Going on a Bear Hunt

As a reader and teacher, this term’s theme – ‘From Book to Book’ is a great opportunity for me to share my favourite reads with parents and students. Since working at i-Learner, I have been rediscovering books that I had long forgotten, many of which are children classics that I loved as a kid. All these books from the dusty corners of my memory are now coming out of the attic and into the classroom bringing with them both exciting tales for the kids and new insights and nostalgia for me.


One of the books I have rediscovered is We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury. This book tells the story of a family going on a hunt for a bear, passing through different obstacles such as long wavy grass, a deep cold river, thick oozy mud, a big dark forest, a swirling whirling snowstorm, a narrow gloomy cave, all before they finally, of course, find the bear.

The poetic structure of the book and the great use of onomatopoeia build up a rhythm that captivates us as readers as we progress through the story. Thanks to this, and the sing-along melody, this book quickly became an all-time favourite for the students in my Reading Aloud class this summer.

We’re Going on a Bear Hunt is a book that will make your heart race and forehead sweat as you journey with the characters through the perils of the bear hunt. This truly illustrates that children literature is not only written to be enjoyed by children, it can also be enjoyed by adults, even if their child-like excitement is buried deeper below the surface. This book will definitely bring out the inner child within any adult as they go stumble along on this adventure with the characters.

Here is a video of Michael Rosen, one of the collaborators of this book, reading We’re Going on a Bear Hunt aloud: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gyI6ykDwds