i‑Learner Education Centre





  • 你如何看待這個觀點:教育的目的就是賦予年輕人工作的能力?(英國全國法學院入學試樣題。這個考試的目的在於考察英國頂尖大學法律系申請者的能力)
  • 準備要下雨了,我走在街上,打開了一輛沒有鎖門的車,并在裡面坐了15分鐘,直到雨停了。我是不是佔有了這輛車?(牛津大學法律系面試樣題)


在課堂上,我們還會討論各種複雜的道德難題,和各式沒有正確答案的論題 — 能夠清晰表達立場和解釋自己的觀點是學生在頂尖大學面試中成功突圍而出的關鍵。



  • 為香港中學文憑考試和國際文憑考試做準備。
  • 為劍橋大學、牛津大學或者其他世界頂尖的大學入學面試,英國全國法學院入學試,和生物醫學入學考試等做好準備。
  • 在法律、醫學等具挑戰性的工作領域中突圍而出。


  • 閱讀和深入理解和分析不同文本,比如新聞、記敘和科學報告等等。
  • 寫作不同文本,比如證人證詞、正式書信和論文等等。
  • 清晰表達不同立場的觀點。
  • 參與各種議題的辯論。

This year-long course will challenge and develop students in preparation for top universities and exceptional careers. Students will learn how laws are defended, how doctors weigh up ethical decisions, and how to answer seemingly-impossible university application questions, such as: What is your response to the view that the purpose of education is to prepare young people for the world of work? (Sample question from the LNAT, which assesses university applicants to law degrees at top UK universities.) I am walking along the street when it starts to rain. I open the door of an unlocked car and sit there for 15 minutes until the rain passes. Have I ‘taken’ the car? (Sample interview question from the Faculty of Law, University of Oxford.)

Sample Challenge Work as a team to develop a new country. Consider factors from the fields of law, education, social issues and ethics. Develop the thinking skills needed for:

  • HKDSE, and the Theory of Knowledge core subject in the IB Diploma.
  • Oxbridge interviews; LNAT/LSAT exams for law school applications; BMAT/MCAT exams for medical school applications.
  • Careers in challenging fields such as law and medicine.
