i‑Learner Education Centre

Speech and Debate



Have you ever wanted to learn to speak with confidence, think critically and persuade others to follow your ideas? 

Our Speech and Debate course is designed for primary and secondary students who want to improve their communication skills while having fun at the same time. Students will learn the basics of speech and debate, such as how to research, structure and deliver a winning argument. They will also learn to use intonation, performance and a variety of rhetorical appeals within the context of a formal debate.

At i-Learner, the Speech and Debate course allows students to take the lead in developing their own ideas and honing their skills of argumentation. In this way students are encouraged to develop as leaders in the class and to spend as much time as possible speaking.  

As you discover how to make rebuttals, address the opposition, and field questions from the floor, your confidence to express your ideas in a convincing and often quite individual way will flourish. 

This course will both challenge and help you to grow as a speaker and as a thinker. 
