DSE English 文憑試英語(S3 to S6)
Coupling with the expertise in DSE elective teacher’s training at school as well as curriculum design, our DSE programme aims to help senior secondary school students achieve the best results, with its focus on vocabulary building, reading, speaking, writing and listening.
- 在學校課堂完全跟上進度,並能平時自學。
- 充分掌握DSE英語科所需要技巧
- DSE考取理想成績
- 技巧為本,講解各種DSE英語科考試要求的技巧。
- 大量模擬試卷
- 按個別的弱點,提供針對性的講解和教授。
Grammar and Writing 文法及寫作 (P1 to S3)
Grammar helps a child understand the structure of a language in a systematic way and ensures accuracy in writing and speaking. This course provides students a comprehensive understanding of English grammar and helps them master it in an organized way. Students are then required to apply their grammar skills in writing to consolidate what they have learnt.
- 快速及系統地掌握英文文法
- 培養文法意識
- 去除港式英文文法
- 提高寫作和表達的準確度
- 讓正確的文法成為思考及表達的一部分
- 從閱讀中學習文法
- 針對個人文法弱點教導
- 文法遊戲
- 文法規則教授
- 文法在寫和講的應用
Reading and Writing (P1-S2) 閱讀及寫作
Develop a reading habit for life!
What is the bridge between reading and writing? Helping students to develop summarizing skills, analytical skills as well as writing skills is what the course sets to achieve.
- 學會各種閱讀技巧, 享受閱讀的樂趣。
- 閱讀大量故事和文章(每個課程一至兩本書和8-16篇文章、4-6篇寫作練習)
- 培養英文語感,由閱讀發展至寫作和口頭表達
- 寫作能力升級。
- 讀不同長度的故事和文章,並做話劇,投入書本的世界。
- 精讀提高閱讀的能力和技巧
- 從閱讀中學會寫作的技巧,包括精準多變的用字遣詞、語句和內容的鋪排變化等。
English Literature (P4 to S3, GCSE, IB)
To understand literature is to understand humanity by analysing and appreciating a language. Because of this, literature is also an effective means for students to foster their sense in that language and their analytical and critical skills would be enhanced in the process.
Public Speaking (P1-S2)
h5>Beautiful accent, fluency and be a great orator!
Public speaking abilities and skills can be trained. This curriculum focuses on voice coaching, manners, confidence, fluency and presentation skills. Students will gradually speak in front of an audience with confidence and fluency. Training on interviewing skills and poetry reciting as well as debating would also be provided.
- 讀說英語更具信心
- 說話更流暢和表達更有條理和言之有物
- 在不同場合,都可以得體地溝通和表達。
- P5-6包括面試技巧,令面試發揮更理想。
- 聲線和語音訓練
- 個人發音改善練習
- 角色扮演、故事及詩歌朗讀,令同學更了解英文的節奏。
- 個人演講訓練
- 辯論與小組討論
Advanced Reading and Writing
進階閱讀及寫作課程 (P3-S3)
Designed to stretch the critical and creative skills of high-ability students. Many of the skills introduced at the lower levels are those needed to perform well on the HKDSE exams. There is also a focus at the higher levels on the skills needed in the i-GCSE in English Literature and Language.
- fully master the English language, and be able to apply it in complex and demanding contexts. 學生將學習如何通曉英文,並將所學運用於複雜多變的語境之中。
- Prepare students to excel in top universities. 為學生將來入讀頂尖大學並取得成功做好準備。
- 令學生在 Trinity Integrated Skills in English 考試,以及 Cambridge Preliminary English Test 取得優秀成績。
- Oxbridge tutorial model, with texts often being used as the basis of a critical discussion. 以牛津劍橋大學的修導模式(Oxbridge tutorial model)為藍本,以篇章作為課堂討論的中心,學生需要發展出自己的觀點和分析。
- Students are required to formulate their own responses to the ideas in the texts. 這些高階思維能力是未來進入頂尖大學,並獲得成功的必備素質。
Graded Examinations in Spoken English (GESE)
Trinity certificates are recognized worldwide by academic institutions, companies and professional organizations. Its graded examinations can be corresponded to the Common European Framework. i-Learner is a Trinity exam centre. i-Learner students can take Trinity Exams at the i-Learner Education Centre.
聖三一英語口語等級考試證書獲國際院校認可,並與歐州國家語言水平架構對應。 i-Learner 在2013年成為聖三一指定的考試中心。 i-Learner的學生可於中心參加考試。
- 聖三一英語口語等級考試是具聲望及國際認可的一系列針對會話及聆聽技巧考試。
- 學生會與來自英國的考官進行單對單的會話,從而測試學生的英語運用能力。
- 整個考試分十二級,鼓勵學生循序漸進地去測試自己的能力。
English Maths (P1 to S6)
English mathematics classes will enhance student’ s spatial, numerical and logical processing skills, as well as improving their grades at school. Through this course, students will develop a h5 interest in mathematics as a result of a well-designed curriculum, and the dedicated and effective teaching of our enthusiastic teachers.
- 掌握英文數的語文需要
- 加強空間、數字及數理邏輯的思維能力。
- 提升數學科成績
- 培養對數學學習的興趣
- 分析數學的語言運用
- 數學遊戲
- 多樣化的數學練習
- 個人解路思路剖析及針對性改進
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