Willow Hewitt
A student can learn anything they’re passionate about. I work hard to find the best way to make my students interested in what they’re learning. No matter the topic, whether it’s grammar, poetry or letter writing, there’s always a way to make it exciting for each individual.
Willow Hewitt has degrees in both the arts and sciences, and enjoys working with young people who are keen students in both of these fields. She writes a regular column in the Education section of Playtimes, Hong Kong’s leading English medium parenting magazine. In her spare time, Willow continues to dedicate herself to writing and is currently working on a series of mystery novels set in the Peak District in the north of England.
- 劍橋大學文學士(自然科學)
- 曼徹斯特大學文學碩士(創意寫作)
雖然住校的孩子只是少數,但我們都愛讀以寄宿學校為背景的故事。… 看更多
My Cambridge Experience
此內容僅提供英文版本。 Get a real-life taste… 看更多
從我記事起我就喜歡寫作,但我花了很多年才能夠完成任何讓我滿意的作品。在孩童和青少年時期,我時常展開新的寫作,但對於如何將它們… 看更多
BBC Sounds在全球範圍內免費提供提高所有英語學習者技… 看更多
許多學生本身詞彙豐富、天馬行空,也具備文章組織成段的能力。然而,他們在創意寫作作業上的得分仍然很低。問題不在於他們不擅長寫作… 看更多